Explorer YachtLA DATCHA

Explorer Yacht LA DATCHA

Whether in tropical or polar destinations around the world, LA DATCHA stands out with her remarkable colour scheme and large volume, six-deck superstructure – full of outdoor deck space.

Luxury and Sport

The LA DATCHA Xplorer 77 takes the concept a step further as an ocean-going luxury expedition yacht. Luxury and sport go hand in hand. Beautifully designed style and luxury while enjoying the world’s top adventure sport destinations.

Xplorer 77 LA DATCHA
Heli skiing

Heli skiing is a big part of the Xplorer 77 LA DATCHA – with trips to the Kuril Islands, the Kamchatka peninsula, Chutotka and Alaska – and for that two helicopters are essential. LA DATCHA’s unique helicopter solution perfectly meets the Owner’s brief for this. There is the fully certified primary helideck, a standby deck for the second helicopter and both aircraft can fit in the below-deck hangar. She promises adventure without any compromise on luxury.


On the xplorer horizon
"LA DATCHA takes the concept a step further"